More and more people throughout the world deal with colon disease. Most of these people have this issue as a result of bad eating habits that prevent the purification of this organ.

Even though there are scientific techniques which counter problems of this kind, they are often dangerous.

On the other hand, these techniques are expensive and not all people can afford them. So, we are here to show you a completely natural method to cleanse your colon quickly and easily.

Generally, it is always better for you to opt for natural medicine techniques than conventional medicine techniques. The best thing about natural medicine is that it does not involve chemical compounds and does not provide side effects. Moreover, these techniques and remedies are cheap and easy to prepare.

Here is a recipe of a remedy that not only will cleanse your colon, but it will also help you lose up to 20 pounds in only three weeks. Moreover, this recipe is abundant in fiber and other nutrients vital for maintaining the good health. Look through the ingredients of this recipe so that you can prepare it for yourself.


– One apple

– One cup of water

– One tablespoon of flaxseed

– One tablespoon of honey

– One tablespoon of chia seeds

Preparation and use:

Start by washing the apple well, and then chop it into small pieces, removing the seeds. Next, add the apple pieces to a blender along with the water and the honey. Blend the ingredients well so that you get a homogenous mixture. In the end, add the chia seeds and the flaxseed, and stir well for several minutes using a teaspoon.

Consume this drink once a day for three weeks and you will notice its potent effects. This drink will cleanse your colon, and improve your general health. Moreover, as we already mentioned, it will help you lose weight quickly by improving and accelerating your metabolism.

While you consume this drink, you are also supposed to avoid at all costs foods rich in sugar and processed foods. They will neutralize the effects of the drink you prepared. Make this delicious drink right now and enjoy its benefits as soon as possible.

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Diet With Eggs And Grapefruit – Lose 20 Pounds For 7 days

This diet is becoming more actual because with this diet are burning fats and is reducing a lot of weight within a few days. Realistically you can lose weight up to 20 pounds in just 7 days!

Why to choose this diet ?

Grapefruit belongs to the group of foods that burn fats . In other words grapefruit has nutrients that break down and remove fat from the body.

Grapefruit also improves metabolism and stimulates digestion.

Egg especially whites have a lot of proteins . When you combine these two foods the efficiency of weakening  is assumed to increase multifold.

Diet with eggs and grapefruit is pretty strict , so it is not recommended for people with serious health problems !

Basic principles of the diet

This diet can last up to 7 days! I recommend only 3-4, because it will give you good results, and the body will not starve.


Eat 5 grapefruit daily combining with 5-9 egg whites. In the ideal case there should be 10 serving per day ½ grapefruit and an egg white on every hour.

Make sure you drink plenty of water and have to stay moderately active, for example by walking 45 minutes every day.

As you can see this diet excludes 100% of fat from nutrition. Contains only protein and simple sugars from grapefruit, so results are guaranteed.

My advice is to drink a cup of green tea on morning  without sugar, and before you go to bed, drink another cup of tea, to clean the body of toxins and to use the benefits of green tea, especially powerful antioxidant and effect for reducing weight.

The Quickest and Healthiest Way to Lose Over 50 Pounds

Weight loss is never easy, and it always requires motivation, dedication, determination, and huge changes in the lifestyle.

This is especially true if you need to lose over 50 pounds, but you need to know that it is not too difficult to get started.

Yet, the first thing you should do is to become mentally and emotionally prepared, as the fight against the excess pounds will be tough at times, and you need to focus on your goal. Therefore, you need to keep the following things in mind:

1. Lose weight because you love your body

You need to become aware of the beauty of your body and work to improve it even more. If you start dieting and exercising just because you detest your body, the negativity won’t lead to a positive outcome. Instead, change your lifestyle because you love your body and want to improve its state.

Make sure you always have real goals and start small. Gradually change your habits, one by one, and you will thus remain stimulated during the process of losing extra weight.

2. There is no such a thing as a “perfect” time to start.

If you are seeking for a perfect moment to start, there will always be some important dates, vacations, birthdays, holidays, and so on, so you will just postpone it. You need to be prepared to sacrifice, and go for it!

3. Losing excess weight is a full-time commitment.

If you need to lose a lot of pounds, you cannot take the weekends off and follow the weight loss regiment 5 days a week only. Instead, this fight requires all your time and patience.

4. There will be mistakes.

You need to accept the fact that you will make mistakes, and just move on.

A slip on occasion won’t make sure to get back on track as soon as possible.

The following 14 tips will help you to start your weight loss regimen:

5. Start with something you like

You should ease the things at the beginning, in order not to give up. Increase the intake of your favorite vegetables, or start biking if you like it.

6. Move more

Stop sitting and move! Take the stairs, walk the children to school, go on a walk instead of having a dinner with a friend, and replace movies with more active plans. In this way, you will burn more calories, and you will accelerate weight loss.

7. Make food switches

You should start eating whole fruits, grains, vegetables, and meat, instead of packaged and processed foods, which are full of calories, sugar, fat, and salt, preservatives, and additives.

8. Eat smaller portions

To control the amounts of food you consume, you should eat smaller portions.

If you are still hungry afterward, drink a glass of water, and wait for 20 minutes.

9. Add new habits prior to taking the old ones away

It would be much easier to add new, healthier habits first, instead of taking the old practices away. For instance, take a short walk after your dinner, or add an additional glass of water a day.

10. Avoid carbs in the morning

In case you have 50 pounds or more to lose, you probably have low (or non-existent) insulin sensitivity. This means you should not consume carbs for breakfast, and focus on vegetables, healthy fats, and protein.

Also, if you add a small amount of non-processed carbs in the dinner, you will sleep better, and you will support weight loss.

11. Enjoy your meals

You need to slow down a bit, and pay attention to every bite you chew. This will help you to enjoy the meal and it will provide enough time for the digestive system to process the food well.

12. Increase the intake of vegetables daily

You need to increase the intake of vegetables, especially leafy green ones, as they are rich in fiber, minerals, and vitamins, and low in calories. Therefore, add an extra serving each day and enjoy their benefits.

13. Drink your coffee sugar-free

Our bodies suffer a lot due to the consumption of sugar, as it spikes insulin levels and causes the accumulation of fat in the body. Therefore, make sure you completely remove it from your diet.

14. Offer to bring something to dinner

When you go to your friends’ house, bring something healthy, so you will ensure your low-calorie snack.

15. Cardio and strength training

You need to combine the benefits of cardio workouts, which burn a high amount of calories, but strength workouts, which build muscle, accelerate metabolism, and strengthens joints, in order to get the desired effects.

16. Limit your alcohol intake

Alcoholic drinks just add up additional calories, so you need to limit their intake.

17. Get a healthy sleep

In the case of sleeping difficulties, or a sleep deprivation, the body is in a stressed-out state all the time, leading to constant fatigue and poor dietary habits.

When the body is exhausted, the body craves for food as a way to create fake energy. Therefore, make sure you sleep at least 7-9 hours every night.

18. Drink more water

Dehydration is a common issue, and it causes to fatigue and the accumulation of fat. Therefore, avoid all other drinks, and drink plenty of water during the day.

This will energize the body, keep you full, and reduce the sugar intake.

Therefore, even though losing much weight is quite challenging, it is far from impossible. You need to stay determined positive, and focused, and the effects will be noticeable very soon!

Improve your life- get started right now, and make your best decision ever!

Cardiologist Suggests 5-Day Diet: A Safe Way To Lose 15 Pounds

Diet is a important part of our lifestyle. For those of us who are overweight, those extra pounds greatly increase our health risks – including risks of diabetes, gallbladder disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and even a wide range of cancers.

Of course, living at a healthy weight lowers your risks tremendously.

The diet below was designed by a European cardiologist. The primary source of protein on this diet are eggs, we recommend that you purchase organic eggs. Same is true for the fresh fruits you choose.

It’s printer friendly so just click ctrl+p and print. You’ll always have it at hand and what’s more, when paired with thirty minutes of daily exercise, it can help you safely lose up to fifteen pounds!

This is a very simple diet. The breakfast each day is the same: 1 piece of your favorite fruit, anything but grapes or bananas. A serving of blackberries or blueberries will also provide needed antioxidants.

Day 1

Lunch: 1 orange, a cup of yogurt, 1 egg

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 2 pieces of toast, ½ a cucumber or a small bowl of lettuce, 2 tomatoes

Day 2

Lunch: 1 orange, a cup of yogurt, 1 boiled egg

Dinner: a piece of toast, 125 gr. of red meat, a cup of tea or coffee with no sugar, 1 orange

Day 3

Lunch: 1 cucumber, 1 orange, 1 boiled egg

Dinner: 125 gr. of cooked red meat, 1 orange, a piece of toast, a cup of coffee or tea with no sugar

Day 4

Lunch: a piece of toast, 1 orange, 125 gr. of cottage cheese

Dinner: the same as day 3

Day 5

Lunch: a piece of toast, 200 gr. of cooked meat or fish, 1 tomato

Dinner: ½ a pound of cooked carrots, potatoes and peas

We recommend following the protocol above for a five-day cycle, followed by a two-day rest, before restarting the cycle.

Vegetables should be cooked without salt, and alcohol should be entirely avoided. If you currently suffer health issues, consult with your doctor first.

Lose 31 LBS Without Any Workouts!!! Try This Technique That Gives Results In Only 4 WEEKS!!!

Based on the topic above, you probably don’t believe this technique is real and gives good results, nevertheless Mr. Dave Asprey has the amazing recipe for a fast weight loss which includes utilizing Nescafe as well as Coconut essential oil.

This well-known businessman Asprey elaborates this technique as making use of minimum 2 teaspoon of butter for breakfast, nothing more.

This specific simple method will give you plenty of energy along with clear concentration too.

This combination associated with Nescafe as well as coconut essential oil is actually rich and creamy as well as full of consistence therefore it is a great replacement for the calorie rich breakfast foods.

It gives excellent power because of the espresso inside it.

Numerous variations can be found right here however this particular edition made from Mr Dave’s research is definitely the best.



– 1 teaspoon of coconut essential oil

– 1 teaspoon of Nescafe

– 1.5 teaspoon sweet cacao

– 1 deciliter of boiled drinking water

– 1 deciliter of burnt almond milk


The first step is to put the sweet cacao and the Nescafe in a cup and put boiled water on top. Blend them as well as mix using a coffee machine and once that is done, kindly add the burnt almond milk. last but not least, add the coconut.

This drink-mix will become your best friend very soon. We are saying this because we are sure that you will feel the same way, since you will quickly see the results the outcomes of slimming down the right and healthy way!